Streets for nature and climate mitigation



Tablet - Desktop


Self initiated


Study into the possibilties to adapt streets to a new climate


2020 Research and publication


Iaroslava Nesterenko, Markus Appenzeller, Pinar Bozoglan, Robert Younger


+ Street planning framework with more focus on climate change adaptation and mobility changes
+ Street design guidelines with focus on transport questions, spatial qualities and climate adaptation

We changed

A reaction of public space design to climate change, beyond the common road safety and comfort standard design guidelines


+ Street planning framework with more focus on climate change adaptation and mobility changes
+ Street design guidelines with focus on transport questions, spatial qualities and climate adaptation


+ Focus on streets in climatic adaptation of cities


+ Open source publication
To adapt to climate change, we must change entire frameworks that have been developed over decades. We have to develop new standards that address this new reality. What they can be like is subject to a larger debate. We join that debate by research, proposing new standards and sharing them with everyone.
What matters for the street of the future, and how can it be allocated in the limited space between buildings? What new systems have to be considered, and what are their needs? What methods do we have to use to determine what goes where? And - how can we bring all this together and make steps forward towards a more livable city?
Our series “1.5 degree” proposes new standards for different elements of the urban fabric: streets, rivers, public space in hot climate...

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