
Colla boration



Why are urban development plans usually written behind closed doors? Why are the real experts - the users, residents or businesses - left out? We were wondering too. Real participation cannot start on a tactical level, but must begin much earlier. All it needs is a fresh approach and formats that leave behind established containers of thinking and doing.

Formats outside containers

Plans are often made for and not with stakeholders. Instead of involving them in the process from day zero and throughout the process they typically are only getting involved at the beginning and again at the end. Synergies that could emerge between their individual ambitions are missed. Changing the format of involvement in the process avoids that.

Work out Synergies

From Specialist
to Partner

From specialist to partner _ We are passionate collaborators and partners for co-creation. The concept of the homo universalis and the modern specialist have reached their limits. We embrace transdisciplinary solutions to answer the ever growing complexity of development. We enable co-creation between local people. We are life-long learners to develop knowledge and routes to positive change.


Not all projects start easily and complete as quickly as planned. A negative perception of an area, low initial occupancy rates, or simply a slow market could be the reason. Successful regeneration before anything means activating partners that can become drivers of the future of an area. To get them interested we need interesting opportunities rather than a big plan.

Activate Partners

To be successful, long term strategic visions need strong and memorable metaphors. In the past, these have been simple: belts, rings, a star, or a hand. Today’s complexity in metropolitan regions are not answered with simple patterns anymore. The multilayered and interconnnected challenges need more integrative development missions.


From Specialist
to Partner

From specialist to partner _ We are passionate collaborators and partners for co-creation. The concept of the homo universalis and the modern specialist have reached their limits. We embrace transdisciplinary solutions to answer the ever growing complexity of development. We enable co-creation between local people. We are life-long learners to develop knowledge and routes to positive change.


With and
for the Local

To design change, we put a high attention on local knowledge and on working together with local actors. Local culture very often holds wisdom how to sustain under the regional conditions. Local people, in all their diverse abilities and roles, are the central players and focus of positive change. As we are not local in most places around the world, we made working with and for locals a focus of our practice.

Reducing the effects of climate change needs complex solutions that address the different problems in a coordinated way and with maximum synergy. These solutions must include local population and local knowledge. Combining global expertise with the local experience, traditions and know-how delivers local-global results that are not feasible without either of them.


Engaging communities needs to be engaging. Too often this is overlooked in formal development programs. And as result they have limited effect. But it can be done differently - by learning from what kids like. The result can be an inspiring new direction of tactical urbanism and engagement that allows to achieve more: POOL+


Not every project needs a masterplan. Some fare much better if they are carried out by a multiplicity of interest groups. But getting them on board also needs plannng: crafting joyful campaigns that attract people and show them what is in for them and what role they can play in achieving wider goals.


“Cities are the Co-Creation of many different Actors.”

A lot of the knowledge gained and a lot of the research conducted does not end up in projects. That does not mean it has no value. In sharing it generously with the public, it becomes a source for education, exchange and discussion otherwise hidden.


“Cities are the Co-Creation of many different Actors.”

Why are urban development plans usually written behind closed doors? Why are the real experts - the users, residents or businesses - left out? We were wondering too. Real participation cannot start on a tactical level, but must begin much earlier. All it needs is a fresh approach and formats that leave behind established containers of thinking and doing.

Formats outside containers

Plans are often made for and not with stakeholders. Instead of involving them in the process from day zero and throughout the process they typically are only getting involved at the beginning and again at the end. Synergies that could emerge between their individual ambitions are missed. Changing the format of involvement in the process avoids that.

Work out Synergies

From Specialist
to Partner

From specialist to partner _ We are passionate collaborators and partners for co-creation. The concept of the homo universalis and the modern specialist have reached their limits. We embrace transdisciplinary solutions to answer the ever growing complexity of development. We enable co-creation between local people. We are life-long learners to develop knowledge and routes to positive change.


From Specialist
to Partner

From specialist to partner _ We are passionate collaborators and partners for co-creation. The concept of the homo universalis and the modern specialist have reached their limits. We embrace transdisciplinary solutions to answer the ever growing complexity of development. We enable co-creation between local people. We are life-long learners to develop knowledge and routes to positive change.


Not all projects start easily and complete as quickly as planned. A negative perception of an area, low initial occupancy rates, or simply a slow market could be the reason. Successful regeneration before anything means activating partners that can become drivers of the future of an area. To get them interested we need interesting opportunities rather than a big plan.

Activate Partners

To be successful, long term strategic visions need strong and memorable metaphors. In the past, these have been simple: belts, rings, a star, or a hand. Today’s complexity in metropolitan regions are not answered with simple patterns anymore. The multilayered and interconnnected challenges need more integrative development missions.


Reducing the effects of climate change needs complex solutions that address the different problems in a coordinated way and with maximum synergy. These solutions must include local population and local knowledge. Combining global expertise with the local experience, traditions and know-how delivers local-global results that are not feasible without either of them.


Engaging communities needs to be engaging. Too often this is overlooked in formal development programs. And as result they have limited effect. But it can be done differently - by learning from what kids like. The result can be an inspiring new direction of tactical urbanism and engagement that allows to achieve more: POOL+


To design change, we put a high attention on local knowledge and on working together with local actors. Local culture very often holds wisdom how to sustain under the regional conditions. Local people, in all their diverse abilities and roles, are the central players and focus of positive change. As we are not local in most places around the world, we made working with and for locals a focus of our practice.

With and
for the Local

A lot of the knowledge gained and a lot of the research conducted does not end up in projects. That does not mean it has no value. In sharing it generously with the public, it becomes a source for education, exchange and discussion otherwise hidden.


Not every project needs a masterplan. Some fare much better if they are carried out by a multiplicity of interest groups. But getting them on board also needs plannng: crafting joyful campaigns that attract people and show them what is in for them and what role they can play in achieving wider goals.


“Cities are the Co-Creation of many different Actors.”

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